Affiliate Investment Program

Implemented by the Affi.Guru project, this program offers an opportunity to invest in highly profitable information projects.

Affi.Guru specializes in developing and advancing technological information products in the form of thematic portals that generate income from affiliate agreements with various suppliers of goods and services.

Investment Options

Anyone can become a co-owner or full owner of one or several income-generating projects implemented by Affi.Guru.

Depending on the type of participation (share-based or full) and the specifics of the project, investors receive dividends as a percentage of the profit from a given project.

Pie investor

Investing in an existing project

Full investor

A project is created individually for the investor

Maximum share of participation is 50%, minimum — 10% Participation share is 100%
The cost of a share is determined by the project The size of investment is discussed individually
Dividends are determined by the selected project Dividends are paid out at 100% of project profits, excluding service fees
Payment monthly Payment begins monthly from the 5th month after the project starts
No projects currently open for investment To develop an investment plan, contact us via email

What does the investor get?

  • Ownership share with possibility to sell
  • Monthly dividends according to ownership share

  • Ownership of 100% of the project with possibility to sell it
  • Monthly dividends amounting to 100% profit of the project
  • A system of associated social channels
  • Accounts on popular blogging platforms

  • YouTube channel with quality content and traffic